Our services

Specialists in logistics and procurement

Our consultants are experts in procurement and freight services. We review your current solution and design a plan to enhance your logistics flow.

Freight procurement

Finding the right transportation solution at the right price.

Invoice control

Review of Your Expenses

Price Calculator

Examination of your costs.

No cure, no pay

Since 1992, we have been able to demonstrate strong results, with 95% of assignments resulting in improved logistics flows and savings. In other words, we know that our working method works. Thanks to this, we operate on a ”No cure, No pay” principle. This means that you only pay for the actual savings that are achieved. No results, no invoice, plain and simple!

Are you paying the right price?

If you pay the right price is not always easy to determine. Freight optimization is often a complex process. Regardless of which type of transport solution you choose, there are often extra costs and supplements that need to be controlled and followed up.

Let us at Toplogic help you. With the help of our services, you will have full control and transparency throughout the process from start to finish. We offer our expertise in freight procurement, review costs using invoice verification and investigate all costs using price calculation.

Freight procurement

The shipping costs are an important part of a company’s finances. No one wants to pay more than necessary, but it often requires knowledge and effort to ensure that the company has the most cost-effective option. Reduced shipping costs can make a significant difference to a company’s financials.

Toplogic is an independent specialist in freight service procurement. We help you find the right transportation solution for your specific needs and goals. We take a comprehensive approach to your company’s logistics.

Invoice verification

Our invoice verification not only facilitates your daily operational activities but also forms the basis for future decisions regarding freight solutions for your company.

Freight invoices are often complex, and it can be challenging to ensure that you are paying the correct price. Investigating all fees and surcharges can be time-consuming.

Typically, random sampling is done, and only certain aspects of the total freight cost are examined. However, when invoices involve a larger number of shipments, more efficient tools are required for accurate verification. With large volumes, minor discrepancies at the shipment level can quickly accumulate into a significant amount over a year.

Toplogic’s invoice verification can assist with one-time checks for smaller companies, but it is equally suitable for fully automated solutions for larger players.

Pricing calculation

There can be various reasons why a company does not thoroughly examine its shipping costs. The investigation and analysis of freight costs can be a time-consuming process. Therefore, many companies choose the quicker alternative. In some cases, they choose to stay in an agreement because it feels familiar and, therefore, safe. Don’t let your company be one of those! Toplogic assists you in finding the best possible price. Our pricing calculator utilizes data from your company’s existing price lists, facilitating the selection of carriers.

The Toplogic-Method

A step-by-step visualization of our working method


Together we review the current shipping schedule and design a plan and responsibility allocation for the continuation.

Development of offers

We assess available transport options, clarify the needs and develop a detailed offer document for current carriers.

Processing of quote

We accept and analyze received offers. The offers are given an independent assessment and are judged by both quality and price.

First draft

With the offer report as a basis, a first selection is made. Selected carriers are called for negotiations.


The customer goes through the tenders and negotiates with selected carriers. TopLogic assists.

Choice of carrier

The carrier’s final bid is jointly assessed and the final choice is made.

Final report

TopLogic summarizes the process in a final report that is handed over to the customer as documentation of the work and the result.

Find out more

Contact us for a free and non-binding consultation regarding your delivery needs. Our consultants have extensive experience in the transportation sector and are available in both Sweden and Norway.

We will make sure that you are connected with the consultant closest to you.